Sunday, October 18, 2009

Lots of 1st

There's been lots of first's going on here at the Cash home, but I have failed to keep up with blogging about them so here you go... It's going to be long so you might not want to continue unless you have lots of time! The pictures are in random order of occurance, because I can't remember what happened first. The pictures aren't to great because most are from my phone.

First lost tooth pulled out by Great Granpa Cash with a string and a knot!

First smack down by his Auntie Kamron (by accident of course!)

First Stripe in Ju Jistsu

First soccer practice and game

First day of Preschool

First day of 1st grade, and isn't he cool!

First Cash Construction home built in Albuquerque

First break in of our new home...and hopefully the last!

First wall painted in our new home (Kenzi's room)

And last today was our primaries sacrament program. The first I've ever written. Thanks to a loving Heavenly Father who listened to my pleas for help, the program was a hit. The kids did awesome, the music was great, and the spirit was so strong! Now I can breath again:) Until next time....


SaraBerry said...

Nice "Firsts"! Sorry we missed them. Your house looks great! Are you moved in? Have you sold or rented your old house? We miss you! We will see you in December. What time is Church?

Andy and Michele said...

Wow, I love Kenzi's room! You guys have been busy. I want a tour of the whole house! It looks so nice. Are you guys moved in? Good job making it through all those firsts!


Those are great firsts. I love Kenzi's wall. And the program was really great. You deserve a huge round of applause for all your efforts. Our ward is lucky to have you.

Tonja said...

Awesome firsts!!! Isn't getting over the Primary Program a relief? Our Primary Program is in a couple of weeks. If you can spare a few prayers -- I could use them. I'm sad to say our Primary Presidency has recently been changed and they are a little frazzled, so I am struggling to even get a copy of the program to get the song order. I know everything will work out, but it makes me nervous!

Joy said...

The house is beautiful and the bedroom is too cute!

Brittnie Roit said...

Its about time you posted my dear! Its good to read up on your happenings. I love the bedroom you painted!! SOOO CUTE! We actually just got done painting the diamonds on the baby's wall about a month ago. Hard work really does pay off!! It's sooo worth it!

Jana said...

That is a serious knot going on on that forehead of his! The house looks beautiful, and I love the paint job on the bedroom...oh, to have a girl!

Unknown said...

I love Kenzi's room! But I missed that part where your home was broken into!!! WHAT?! I'm assuming you guys are okay, but that really bites.

You're an amazing Primary president and a blessing to our ward!

Camille said...

wow you guys have been busy!!!! Love the painted wall why can't i be crative and stuff like that. I guess that is why people like me hire people like you to do it for me=) So glad life is good and going. Congrats on the primary program!