Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I came across these pictures a while back and I wanted to post this mostly for journaling reasons so I don't forget. So bear with me. In the short 5 years of traekon's life he has already had MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) twice! For those of you who have no clue what that is it's a super mutated staff infection. The first time he got it we lived in thatcher and he was only 2 years old. Todd's brother was living with us at the time and ended up getting it somehow. At that same time Traekon had an open wound on his foot. It ended up getting really infected so I took him to the doctor and they tested it. Sure enough it was MRSA. They put him on an antibiotic(at the time there was only a few antibiotics for this infection cause it was so rare) and it got better. Well about a month later he kept complaining about his leg hurting right in his groin area. I thought maybe he had pulled a muscle somehow cause I couldn't see anything. Then one morning he woke up with a ping pong sized ball on his leg. I took him in and they immediately sent me to the ER where they hospitalized him. The very next morning they took him into surgery. They ended up opening his leg, drained the puse, and left his leg open so that they could drain it every morning and scrub it out. OUCH!! It was the hardest week of my life and his. Containing a two year old in a hospital with an iv in his arm for an entire week is not fun. Needless to say he got lots of new fun toys, and many rides on his iv cart around the hospital. After coming home I swore that we would never do that again! Boy was I wrong!

The next MRSA experience went a little different. It was just about a year ago. I'll start from the beginning. The day I brought Ashton home from the hospital(In my defense keep in mind that i have c-sections so I'm a little out of it at this time!) Todd took traekon to the park to ride his bike. He was just learning how to ride without his training wheels so my brilliant husband decided to let him go down the drainage, which looks alot like a sidewalk, but with alot of trash and germs, and who knows what else. Of course he crashes(men don't think sometimes!) Luckily, or so we thought, he ended up with a few bruises and a strawberry on his elbow. I didn't think much of the strawberry, but now looking back I should have scrubbed the heck out of that thing. Remember new baby, sore body, not walking very well! So about a month later sure enough Traekon has this nasty infection on his elbow which I swear just showed up one day. So I took him in and told the pediatrician "he has MRSA on in his elbow". The lady would not believe me and I couldn't convince her otherwise. She sent me home unwillingly with an antibiotic that I knew was not going to work and for my sake took a swab of his elbow. HA two days later she called me back apologizing telling me to bring him in immediately. Wouldn't you know...MRSA! They gave him a shot of the right antibiotics and a perscription. It started clearing up and eventually went away. So this was probably May. I thought for sure I was home free. Not in this story though. August rolls around and Traekon's in the bath. He reaches up to wash his hair and holy cow he has a bump a size of a marble under his arm. AH CRAP! Is all I can say. I take him in and tell them his history and that I know that it's MRSA and that the last time this happened he was in the hospital for a week. Can you guess what happens next....Yep they don't believe me! Doctors should always go with a mothers intuition. But nope they send me to get blood work done on him, and just to be safe send me to a pediatric oncologist. So then I start doubting myself and thinking maybe it is cancer. Talk about being a nervous wreck. Well we meet with the oncologist and he has no clue what it is. I tell him about his past so he puts Traekon on another dose of the MRSA antibiotic and tells me to keep him posted. While all of this is happening Traekon has NO health insurance, because it expired and no one likes to tell me these things so we are paying for all of this out of pocket, ugh! Anyway I take the perscription in to get it filled and because it's so new I fork out...1,000.00 big ones. Talk about a headache! To boot, the antibiotics didn't even work. The lump is now the size of a golf ball. I call to get an appointment with the oncologist and he's out of town. I finally get an appointment with his pediatrician who then refers me to a pediatric surgeon. By the time we get in to see him the bump is no longer a bump, but an actual town with it's own zip code. It was HUGE! Traekon couldn't even put his arm down. I'm completely livid with all doctors because all along i've told them what it is and what they need to do. But does anyone listen to little ol' me...nope! The surgeon takes one look and says "wow why didn't you come in sooner" I could have ripped his sorry little eyes out but he was acutally a good doctor so I didn't. He books an appointment right away. This time around was a little better cause they didn't hospitalize him. So that was a bonus. All they did this time was cut a little slit, drained the puse, and stuffed it with gauze. We had to pull about an inch of gauze each day until it was gone. Gross! Now a year later all is well and now everytime he gets a cut, scrap, or any open wound whatsoever, we scrub it like crazy with hibiclens. Hopefully the MRSA stories are a thing of the past! Oh and we got back on insurance before the surgery, thank goodness!

This is surgery day... Can you believe the size of that thing! Traekon was such a trooper cause he never complained about it even when he couldn't put his arm down.

After surgery with gauze hanging out.


Hawkins Family said...

oh my gosh, that is so crazy. Poor Traeken and you. I swear doctors sometimes are so dumb!! If they would have just listened to you the first time:)I would have been freaking out, that thing looks like it could have been cancer. I am glad he is ok and everything is good.

Margo said...

Are you KIDDING me? That poor kid. That is so crazy he has had it so many times. What a little trooper. I hear ya on being ticked with the doctors. My grandma was in the hospital yesterday and today and they didn't tell her what was wrong and didn't feed her for the whole day yesterday. I think the nurses now hate me at Banner Baywood! Oh well, she had food within five minutes.

Jennifer said...

That is the craziest thing ever.. Poor kid.. Those bumps are scary lookin. I would have been livid with those doctors too.

lofgreenlegacy said...

Holy crap! that is so dang sad, and the under the arm looks horrible. Kamri had it too when she was 18 mths old on her butt cheeks, and i took her in and they told me it was an infection of a rash.(stupid) She was waking up screaming at night and couldn't sit or lay on her back so I just loaded her in the car and took her to Tucson and sure enough it was MRSA. She got it a couple more times after that but we've been lucky. It's been awhile. Your poor little guy though. That's just rotten!

Becky said...

Ugh! That looks so painful. What a trooper. Both of you! Hope you don't have to go through that again.

mandee said...


Ashley said...

Oh my gosh. I'm glad you're not having to deal with that right now, and I am so sorry. MRSA terrifies me. I read some horrible article in the Reader's Digest and am now forever afraid. What is the stuff you clean his cuts with? I should get some.

Oscar and Mendie said...

All I can say is WOW! Everyone said his under arm looked bad But... oh my goodness!! I hope you guys don't have to deal with that ever again!! Hugs Mendie
ps I love the pic of Kenzie under the laundry basket!! So Cute!!!

Camille said...

Oh my gosh i cannot believe that!!! Insane! brave woman for handling everything. I cannot believe that the drs. didn't believe you! What crap. Glad he is ok nuts you have to watch cuts so carefully. I am going to have to have Ben look at your blog...this kind of stuff excites him...i don't understand...oh well. Glad everyone is good now!

itsafamilything said...

I just had MRSA under my arm. I was in a lot of pain, but I cannot even imagine being his age with that size!! Mine were multiple but not nearly the size of his! God bless his heart and yours! I am hoping the MRSA outbreaks ceased?